The Holistic Birth Podcast
Allison is an experienced doula & educator who wants to bring information along with inspiration to help you feel confident and powerful in your choices through the birthing year. All topics around pregnancy, birth and beyond are covered.
The Holistic Birth Podcast
Homeopathic Remedies for Birth
Today we talk about homeopathy in birth! This is a great tool that is safe and effective. Brigitte goes over the benefits and how to use this great option for birth!
Join as we discuss:
- What homeopathy is
- How it works in the body
- How it works in birth
- Some common remedies
Resources Mentioned:
Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth, and Your Baby's First Year
Guide to Homeopathic Remedies for the Birth Bag: 5th Edition
Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants
Guide to out of Hospital Birth use code PODCAST20 for 20% off!
Looking for more? Check us out on Youtube & visit the blog for show notes and transcript
Into the Labyrinth Birth Services
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Looking for more? Check us out on Youtube & visit the blog for show notes and transcript
Holistic Birth and Beyond, LLC
Into the Labyrinth Birth Services
Brigitte- Instagram & Facebook
Allison 0:16
Welcome back to the Holistic Birth Podcast. This is episode sixteen and today we're going to talk about homeopathy for birth, specifically some remedies and just how you apply it and the safety and everything. Brigitte, what is homeopathy?
Brigitte 1:01
Yeah, so homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine. It was developed by in the 18th century by Samuel Hahnemann, which is a German physician, I'm German. So I'm like, maybe he's like a great grandfather who must be. It's based on the principles of like cures like, which means that a substance that can cause symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat similar symptoms in a sick person. According to homeopathy, homeopathy theory, diseases are seen as disturbances to the vital force. So which is like the life energy or the chi of your being basically, people that are like familiar with energy work and that sort of thing, Reiki, like it's, you know, related to that kind of thing. Also, like acupuncture, that kind of stuff. So. So homeopathic remedies are prepared through a process of dilution and polarization, which are substances is repeatedly diluted in water and alcohol and then rigorously shaken, or success, success success. I think that's how you say it. So yeah, just like really shaken up, like repeatedly for a long period of time. This press is believed to enhance the healing properties of the substance while minimizing any toxic effects. So it's derived mainly from like minerals from plants and animals. And it can come and least comes in like small, tiny little sugar pellets for those that have not used homeopathy before. And then there's also cell salts, what they call it to, and that's a combination of like an herbal, like the plant matter, and also homeopathy, and those are in tablet form, which those are kind of like a whole nother, like, can of worms to open up, so but we'll stick to like, just the basic homeopathy today. But yeah, so that's what it is in a nutshell.
Allison 2:50
Woah, geez. I only have a little bit of understanding around it. And doulas, it's not usually in our training. It's not usually something that's in our toolbox. So how the heck did you get into it? How are you like -- how did you come across this? And how did you get into it?
Brigitte 3:08
Yeah. So I actually been using homeopathy personally for many, many years through my own health journey. So I was introduced to it through a naturopath, I believe. So I found it to be pretty effective and helping me with certain things that I was dealing with. So it really was kind of important to me to look into it further. As far as being a doula I felt like there was like something there that might, you know, be really beneficial. So I actually was listening to a podcast and they were interviewed homeopathy, homeopathic practitioner, and she actually has like a whole course on homeopathy for birth and pregnancy and all that she actually works with fertility specifically. So she had a whole course for birth workers. So I was really excited to hear that in this podcast. And so I took her course and that's how I got training in it.
Allison 4:01
That's really cool. Yeah. So how do you how do you use it with your clients.
Brigitte 4:07
So how I use it is prenatally and also in birth and postpartum so for me, it's you know, based on there's a bunch of different aspects that kind of plan to using a homeopathic remedy. So it really kind of depends on like, emotional things that are happening with the client. So if they're dealing with like change of environment or something like that, or they're stressed about something in particular, if they're have like emotions, such as like fear or anxiousness or anything like that, or if they're dealing even something as simple as like heartburn or pregnancy, nausea, morning sickness, stuff like that, so but they're all a bunch of things that like play into that so if it's you know, certain environment it's usually like environmental and then the physical so you do have to take in consideration all those things put together when using homeopathy, because I get and it works with your vital force and your life energy. So it's just creating that balance within the vital force with working with people. So, yeah, it's really like to because there's so many remedies out there. So it's really kind of tailored to what's going on with them. There definitely is like, you know, remedies that you use on a regular basis with people that can help but yeah, it's typically, you know, you just kind of find out what specific things are going on there. So yeah.
Allison 5:31
Well, it sounds like this is like a huge topic.
Brigitte 5:34
Yeah it is a big topic.
Allison 5:35
We're probably going to be talking about this again. All other ways that that can apply. But in birth, specifically, that's what we're talking about today. How does it I guess, how is how does it work with birth?
Brigitte 5:47
Yeah, so with birth, because it's so intense. Usually, you want to use a more potent remedy. So there, they come in different potencies. So there's like 30 C, and then there's 200. C, and then I think there's 60, and 60. There's different potency. So the one that is used in birth is 200. Because it is a higher dilution. So with the intensity of birth, you want to use a higher potency, obviously, because you want to be able to get through to the vital force of what's going on, because there's a lot of things going on there a small thing probably won't.
Allison 6:19
You need a unique, powerful, powerful dosage, I'm sure.
Brigitte 6:24
Yes, definitely. So. So yeah, as far as again, it's, it's really, as a doula, you're very much paying attention to what's happening in the environment. So if someone is struggling with, we'll say, like back labor, you kind of look at the environment and like, Oh, it did something. And if it came on out of nowhere, or something like that, it's kind of looking at the environment, seeing what's going on with that. And then what does the person thinking like? What are they telling themselves? What kind of emotions others are they showing? So with choosing a homeopathic remedy for that there are like standard ones you can go with, but you generally want to kind of find the best remedy because there can be, you know, multiple remedies for back pain. But finding one that kind of fits in with what's happening environmentally and emotionally, is also key to so. Yeah, with labor, it's just using higher potency and just kind of observing the environment, basically.
Allison 7:21
So are there certain things that would be like standard to have with you or certain things that you'd want to have on hand or things you see like it used a lot?
Brigitte 7:29
Yeah, yeah. So one protocol that I really like to use is Oh, tickets to water bottles. And in one water bottle, you put in one pellet of Arnica. Again, 200 C, make sure it is that and then in the other water bottle, you want to put in Cali FOSS. So that actually is a sell salt. So again, that's like another can of worms to open up. But the sell salt is, again, homeopathy and the actual plant matter. It's basically like a supplement. So you put four tablets of those and your other water bottle. And then also another remedy I like to use which is flower essences. And a combination of homeopathy is Rescue Remedy. A lot of people are pretty familiar with that. They haven't you know, you know, it's Bach flower essences.
Allison 8:15
Yeah. That's yeah, that's in my medicine cabinet.
Brigitte 8:18
Yeah, same. Yep. Always. I've had it for years. It's great. So four drops, or three to four drops of that in with the Cali Fosse, you can mix those two together. And then yeah, just alternating both water bottles throughout labor is really effective to help with any pain. Also, to help just calm you. So yeah, those I found I've used it many times. And it's been like super, super effective and helping with that. So great stuff. Yeah.
Allison 8:44
So is there like, do you break do you make like a, a toolbox? So these things that you bring with you like, yeah, kit or something?
Brigitte 8:52
So there is you can make your own kit. I do have like a list of like birth kit, remedies that you can get. So, you know, if people have questions about that, I can certainly, you know, answer those like, again, it's kind of not, I mean, birth kits, you can get like on a broad spectrum basis, but you don't always need all the remedies. So but yeah, I'm happy to supply that if anybody wants to know exactly the birth kit, I'll probably put the in the show notes, the birth kit that I use. So you can either you know, pick out all the remedies like individually or there's birth kits out there. So I would stay away from Amazon just because the storage of Amazon has to be questioned. And homeopathic remedies are very sensitive to any sort of vibrations. So you do want to make sure that you are getting it from a really good source that isn't exposing them to you know, vibration because it is an energetic medicine. So we don't want to expose the technique like negative vibrations or anything so it's directly from the company ideally, yeah, ideally it is and like I said, I'll link the company that I used to where I get my birth kit from so and it's comes in a nice little box and you can actually get like the other remedies they have there and like add to the bar If you want to, but yeah, we'll come with like your standard remedies used and birth. So it's really kind of a nice little kit.
Allison 10:07
That's really cool. Yeah. The first the first thing that kind of comes to mind right now is how safe is this for birth? I feel like there's so many things that are like up in the air. If you're pregnant or considering pregnancies, your provider like, yeah, homey, like, I don't know, as much about it. So I guess I would wonder like, how, how safe is it? Like, what happens if you take more than one remedy at the same time? Is it also safe for like babies and children? Like, how is it? How safe is it?
Brigitte 10:35
Yeah. Yeah, that's a great question. And that's one that a lot of people ask. Because, yeah, when you're pregnant, and when you're in labor, you'd want to be taking something that could potentially cause some problems. I do use herbal medicine too. But I lean more towards homeopathy just because it is like 100% safe, there is no, like side effects to it. It's such a gentle medicine. And again, it works with your vital force, the energy, it's not working, like directly with, you know, anything that like, you know, pharmaceutical medicine would. So it's not like altering anything, it's just working with the energy of your body. So yeah, 100% safe to use in pregnancy and birth, and you can absolutely use it in children. As far as using more than one rubber at a time, you definitely want to take them separate. The only reason because it's not because it causes issues, the only reason you'd want to do that is to make sure that you're not confusing your vital force, so that she you know, like, if you give too many remedies to it at once, it's not really sure like, which to kind of deal with first. So you want to take one at a time just to kind of send the message very clear. And then if that, if it's not the right remedy for you, it just won't work. So it's not like it's going to cause any problems or any side effects or anything like that. It just won't make any difference. So pretty simple. So usually, you want to wait about 1530 minutes ish, within taking your remedy. So when I'm working them in between Yeah, exactly. So usually, when I'm working with someone and lit and labor and they're having something going on, I'll give them the remedy. Again, they're tiny little tablets. So you just put them under the tongue. Like it just dissolve. It's nothing like you have to swallow or anything like that. So it's really nice to take. So yeah, it's, you know, really, you know, very simple and safe. And you can absolutely use it with with kids. And typically, with kids like you just that has to come in contact with the mucous membranes of their, of their mouth. So if they spit the tableau out or something, it's not a big deal, especially with babies. If you just put it in there. It's and they swallow it or you know, because usually they say like, let it dissolve. But again, if it just comes in contact with their mucous membranes, it will be effective. So yeah, very safe all around.
Allison 12:42
That's good to know. Do you feel like there's like a couple examples of homeopathic remedies? Like I think a lot of people listening, probably like are they're curious, like, what scenarios might you try to use? Like homeopathic remedies? And like, I know, you've mentioned nausea, which is I think a good that's probably good to know that there's Yeah, something around that. Yeah. Of like, emotional things going on. Like do you use it during like the pushing stage? Like, I guess, yeah. How do you apply? How do you apply it? Where does it show up?
Brigitte 13:12
Yeah, it shows up pretty much anywhere. So if someone's having some like, either morning sickness or they're having pregnancy, like or I'm sorry, no pregnancy, birth, like nausea. Nux vomica is a really good one. I mean, vomica it's kind of gives it away. So Knox Obama cause really effective for nausea. I've had that work, like amazingly well for nausea and labor. So that's a really good one. That one's also really good for like anger or irritability. So anyone that's experiencing that where they don't want to be touched or anything like that. Nux vomica is really good. Of course a go to is like Arnica. That's really good for helping with any sort of bruising. If there's tears that will help with like, relieving the pain with tears, after pains, that kind of thing. Bleeding, you know, like any sort of hemorrhage. There's lots of remedies for hemorrhage again, that's like a whole nother rabbit hole. But so yeah, like articles really good for those things. And then yeah, I mean, I'm happy to name like, just a couple here. I'm just going to open up my my notes. Yeah.
Allison 14:17
Because I feel like I like the concept. I feel like it's nice to know that you could have this whole toolkit, this, this little thing that's prepped, but I guess yeah, you probably don't know exactly what you need until you're in it, but especially if there's heavy hitters that seem to do a lot and cover a lot of bases.
Brigitte 14:36
So let's see. I'm gonna start here with Callie car, which is a big one because back labor, so that one's really good for any sort of backlight. That's kind of a great remedy. Like no matter what kind of back labor you're having. So and then usually if the pain is shooting down, like the butt or the thighs, it's also really good remedy for that feeling sweaty, drowsy, basically any pain that's associated with the back. So anyone out there that's dealt with, you know, back labor knows that it's tough to deal with. It's very painful. So this one is really good for that. And then let's see. I'm gonna probably butcher saying some of these because they are Latin words, and they're very hard to pronounce sometimes. But CYMA fushia, I think is what this one's called. I'm pretty sure that's how I pronounce it. I'm still learning how to pronounce them. That's like the fear that's something bad's gonna happen. So someone that has like, a lot of anxiety around like something bad might be happening in their labor, that will kind of help you know, with that and helps with shivers during surges, too, which is going to happen, definitely cramping in any sort of large muscles.
Allison 15:51
Is that also like, when you have the fear of the unknown? Yeah, it might be like You're worrying about a specific outcome or thing or change, but if it's more just like, I don't know how this is gonna go.
Brigitte 16:02
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, nope, I think this that would be a perfect remedy for that. So yeah, feelings of doom like something bad's gonna happen is really, this remedy is awesome for that. And then another good one is Lyco. Pa Lycopodium. I think that's how you pronounce it. So this one is if you're really lacking, lacking self confidence, like you don't think you can do it, which deals come up for clients. So any sort of doubts that you have surrounding your labor giving birth? This one also was good, too. If someone I don't know if you've come across this? Yeah, I haven't. But someone that's gassy during labor? Yes. Yes. So this one's really good for that. So any sort of like farting or? Yeah, it just gives you like the I can do it instead of feeling like you can't do it.
Allison 16:51
It's funny that you say that because I'm pretty sure I had taken Lycopodium myself when I was working with a naturopath like, five years ago or something. Okay, confidence. So yeah, I think it's really interesting to see how it shows up not only in birth, but other places. But yeah, that's really cool. Do you are there certain resources books, people to turn to for information like this? Because I could imagine, like, for me, I had a naturopath and she's like, here's what's going on this is this one thing we're going to try? Great. But how do you kind of discern and figure out where to go with all of this yourself?
Brigitte 17:30
Yeah, absolutely. So there are a couple books, I definitely recommend that I actually have myself. So there's homeopathy for pregnancy, birth, and your baby's first year by Miranda Castro, that's a really good one. Again, we'll link all this stuff. So you know, nobody has to go for trying to search. So that's a really good one. It's a big thick one, it's a little bit hard to navigate, I will say that. But it does have like everything you need to know as far as like dosage doing and all that kind of stuff. So it's really good. They're my favorite one. It's a really fun little like, small one that you can like take with you like in your birth bag is the guide to homeopathic remedies for the birth bag by Patty Brennan and a lot of midwives will use this one. But super easy. Like right in the back of it has like everything like you need. Like if you have certain things going on, it's got a list of what it is and what remedy to kind of take for it. So it's kind of nice. And then it explains like each remedy and like all the you know the things to that go along with that what that remedy helps with so that's a really good one. And then homeopathic medicine for children and infants by Dana Ullman. I think that's how you pronounce your last name. So that one's you know, not necessarily pregnancy birth related. But you know, obviously, you're gonna have a child. So it's nice to have, like, you know, a book that gives you like the remedies for all kinds of common ailments with kiddos. So yeah, those are some really good ones. As far as a birth kit, the one that I recommend is actually from the UK, it's one that the my teacher actually developed. So hers is it's a wonderful little birth kit. And like I said before, it comes with like extra spaces. So if you wanted to get other remedies that they have, it's really good. Their shipping is awesome. Their customer service is fantastic. So I will link that too. So people are interested in getting a birth kit, they can do that.
Allison 19:18
Fantastic. Yeah. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.
Brigitte 19:21
Of course, anytime we'll definitely dive you know, deeper into this at some point with like another podcast episode because we can get into, like postpartum things. And also pregnancy stuff, too. So there's lots to talk about there.
Allison 19:33
I'm sure you'd be happy to answer questions too. If someone has a question about something specific, or if you I don't know if you do like consultations or something, too.
Brigitte 19:41
Yeah. So I actually do prenatal coaching. So that's really for like anything that anyone wants to address during pregnancy. So if you know they've kind of tried to come up with like a birth or a birth plan or if they want guidance and homeopathic stuff or herbalism. I do offer that so if someone wants to talk specifically about homeopathy. And I'm happy happy to do that. So yeah, cool. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, of course. Yeah. All right. So I think that about covers it. Yeah, we covered a lot today. Like I said, this is there's so many different remedies out there to use for different things. So really just working with someone one on one to kind of uncover what's going on for you. You know, like I said earlier on, homeopathy is great for fertility stuff, too. So those are always options as well. But so yeah, thanks for listening, everybody. If you have any questions, reach out, of course, and we'll see you next time.
Allison 20:33
Thank you. See you later!
Brigitte 21:13
See you later!